Peewee AA has best Mums in Georgina!!..., News, Major PeeWee, 2012-2013, AA (Georgina Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 18, 2012 | ladams | 635 views
Peewee AA has best Mums in Georgina!!...
Message from Therese...

Please forward any outstanding Mums orders to Therese at [email protected]. Please note that the delivery date has been changed from Saturday to this Sunday, September 23rd.  The flowers will be delivered to the Sutton Fairgrounds (next to the Sutton Curling Club).  Please come at 10:00am if you are willing to help out with unloading and sorting the Mums.  We should have everything ready for pick up by 11:00am.