Important Change to Minor Bantam to Midget Rep Program, News (Georgina Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 05, 2017 | Tammy Sedore | 3638 views
Important Change to Minor Bantam to Midget Rep Program
After alot of consideration and debate at the York Simcoe and OMHA levels it has been decided that York Simcoe, Lakeshore and a few other Centre's will be running a non hitting component to our rep programs from Minor Bantam to Major Midget, this will replace our AE rep program.

At this time most York Simcoe And Lakeshore Centres will be replacing their conventional AE rep programs with this new MD program. It will run exactly as our current AE program but with no body checking.

This trial is to see if more kids will continue there rep playing years with the hitting element removed. The GTHL and Calgary Minor Hockey took hitting out of there AE programs and they had a drastic increase in hockey registration and a dramatic decrease in concussions.

We are still working out the details and we will share them as soon as we can.

Please refer to the tryout procedure below. But please know that a Minor Bantam to Midget player that wishes to bypass AA to go to the non contact MD program will not be issued a passport to play A contact hockey. If they wish to play contact they MUST tryout at AA, if they are cut they can request a passport to tryout at the closest A centre. Thanks and we will keep you informed if anything changes.

Revised Tryout Policy


It is our GOAL to build the best Rep Hockey environment for all players, coaches, officials and parents!




All players must be a resident of Georgina or have an OMHA Player Passport from their home centre to attend tryouts.




All players intending to play Representative hockey Novice to Peewee inclusive (AA or AE) with GMHA must:

    • Tryout at the AA level first. Requests for releases will not be granted to those not wishing to play for a specific coach or to those that only wish to get a passport to another centre or play AE. Coaches will provide players being signed with an OMHA Commitment Letter, to be signed by the player/parent confirming their intent to play for the selected team for the coming season.


    • If a player is offered a position on the AA team, but declines the position then the player has the option of playing houseleague only (and cannot be ap’d to the AE/MD team)


    • Provide a AA release notice at the  tryout indicating release from the AA team. These notices must be signed and dated by the AA Head Coach of the team and given to the players.


      Minor Bantam – Midget inclusive

  • If the player only wants to participate in MD hockey (no body contact) they can bypass the AA tryout and only attend the MD tryout.  These players will not be given a passport to play A hockey in another centre.


    · Players on all rep teams must play within their own age group. In exceptional circumstances, an underage player may be signed to a AA team, if he or she is among the top 3 players, regardless of position on the older aged team as determined by a Rep committee as selected by the Rep Administrator. Application must be submitted in writing by the Coach of the older age team to the Coaching Director immediately following the first tryout. No team can have more than one underage player on its roster.


    AE/MD players are not permitted to play up on a higher age group. All decisions are final and not appealable. NRP’s must play within their own age group.


    · Head Coaches must submit their completed team roster to the Rep Administrator with a minimum of 15 players, including two goaltenders within 48 hours of the final tryout in their division. The exception to this rule must be agreed upon by the VP of Rep and President of the GMHA.

    Last update MARCH 30 2017 Page 18


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