Apr 17, 2022 | Tim Marshall | 1602 views
Tryouts Registration is now OPEN!
Tryout registration is now open for U14, U15 and U16 age groups
U13 and under as well as U18 will be held in the fall.
Please follow the link below to register for tryouts-> Registration will close midnight before first tryout date.
Reminder, any player not wishing to play contact hockey can register for MD and do not need to register for A tryouts.
Any player wishing to tryout for an A team must have competed a checking clinic prior to first tryout. IF released from the A tryouts you do not have to register for MD.
All information regarding tryouts can be found under the tryout tab.
NRP players wishing to tryout for a Georgina team MUST be registered and paid before skating and bring NRP passport from home center.
Please click on this link to register->