The GMHA is pleased to announce that it has added a second paid part-time Administrator position to the staff in order to handle some of the day to day responsibilities of the Association and as such reduced the workload required and expected by those who do step up and volunteer for the Association.
The GMHA Board is happy to announce that Tammy Sedore has been selected for this position and as such has resigned as VP of Rep thus creating another vacancy on the Board. Tammy and Katera will take care of all of the day to day operations of the GMHA and provide extended office hours and support for one another if one is away and take the lead role in the major activities previously expected of the Board Members.
If anyone is interested in finding out just what goes on to get almost a 1000 kids on the ice every season please let us know as we have several vacancies on our Board that we need filled in order to provide the best service we can to all of our kids and the best representation to our members.
The two main positions we have are Director positions and they are the VP of Tournaments and as mentioned above now that Tammy is changing positions the VP of Rep position now needs to be filled as well. Descriptions from the new Constitution are included below for everyone's ease of reference, but as this is the first year for the Constitution as well as having a second paid part-time Administrator the specifics of the roles will change but they still provide a good overview of some of the things that you might expect to help or give direction on however, you will have very good support and lots of experience to rely on with the staff and fellow Board Members so please don't worry if you don't know all the ins and outs, everyone on the Board started that way at one time and the only way to learn is by doing!
Tammy's new role is to provide the major support to these two vacant VP positions while Katera will stay focused on working with the Treasurer, VP of HL and VP of Membership as well as the general GMHA duties.
We also need to fill a few more Board positions over and above the two VP positions so please see the list of those after the VP duty descriptions.
VP of Tournaments – duties include:
a. To be responsible for all tournaments as approved by the Board of Directors.
b. Acting representative for the International Silver Stick, attending and voting at the AGM.
c. To form a Tournament Committee and to act as Chair of the committee and ensure there are enough volunteers to assist in the running the tournaments.
d. Prepare in conjunction with the Tournament Committee, tournament budgets and present to the Directors budgets for Tournaments in August of each year and then a financial statement within 30 days of the completion of each the tournament.
e. The Tournament Committee is to coordinate with the Pictures, Trophy and Banquet Coordinator the requirements for the purchase of all awards, as per the GMHA Purchasing Policy.
f. To ensure the Ice Scheduler has sufficient ice times booked and the Administrator has booked meeting rooms (Multipurpose Room and upstairs Hall at the Ice Palace) for the tournaments.
VP of Rep - duties include:
a. To be responsible for the operations of the Association’s Rep and Select teams (including both League and Rostered Select teams).
b. To approve all Rep and Select team Budgets as per GMHA Policies.
c. To act as a liaison between the Directors, OMHA and the York Simcoe Minor Hockey League the GMHA Rep and Select Teams.
d. To establish such committees as may be necessary to assist in the organization and operation of the OMHA rep system.
e. To ensure ice time is coordinated for all games and practices for Rep and Select teams in conjunction with the Ice Scheduler.
f. To act as a liaison between the Directors and Rep Team Officials.
g. To ensure that Rep Team Officials are kept up-to-date on policy and procedures that may affect them.
h. To ensure try-outs are organized for the Rep and Select Teams and GMHA Tryout and Player Selection Policies are adhered to. To sign Tournament Request forms, Exhibition and Select Game approval forms for all Rep and Select teams.
i. Work with the Administrator to ensure all Rep and Select team Rosters are complete and approve any changes to be made to team rosters throughout the season as per OMHA Regulations.
j. To attend York Simcoe AAA meetings on a monthly or scheduled basis as required by the York Simcoe Express Association, update the Directors of GMHA on all matters pertaining to the York Simcoe Express AAA and liaise between AAA players and the GMHA.
k. To resolve any conflicts between Team Officials, other centres or parent members on the Rep and Select teams and if warranted, pass on to the VP of Hockey Operations should a Disciplinary Committee be required to investigate.
l. To ensure try-outs are organized for the Rep and Select Teams and GMHA Tryout and Player Selection Policies are adhered to.
Also we have a few Board Positions that operate under the V.P. Director positions that need to be filled: Tournament Coordinator, AA and AE Convenor, Senior HL Coordinator, Hockey School Coordinator, Fund Raising Coordinator, Website and Communications Coordinator, Pictures, Trophies and Banquets Coordinator, Coaching Coordinator and Player Coordinator.
Anyone with interests in these Board positions please forward your information to GMHA President [email protected] by June 30, 2013.