Nov 13, 2014 | Dave Weller | 4636 views
Development/Goalie Clinics
Hi, This weeks development is cancelled due to our AA Silver Stick tournament. Next weeks development Nov 29th will be for the Peewee age group.
There seems to be a mix up on the calendar with the development age groups and times so I have asked Dave Sedore to fix it. Please check the web site as I put a weekly update for everyone to see. I also need 6 shooters for next weeks goalie clinics in Sutton from 10AM-12PM. The last few weeks we have not received enough volunteers, so if you have a player that can help out that will be greatly appreciated. As having shooters keeps our costs down for the goalie clinics, If we don't start getting enough shooters the instructors will have to start bringing shooters that will drive our costs up for the clinics so any help we can get with the shooters every week would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Weller