May 10, 2015 | Dave Weller | 4570 views
Cancellation of Major Atom And Major Bantam AE
Hi Everyone, It is with great disappointment that because of lack of numbers the GMHA will not be able to form a Major Atom AE or a Major Bantam AE team for the upcoming season. This year the York Simcoe league will be forming a select division and will be running a proper Select division with scheduled games, so we hope to begin running the select programs as soon as house league begins in the fall and hope all of kids attend tryouts for these teams. We regret having to cancel these 2 teams but because of lack of registration for tryouts there dose not seem to be enough players to form these 2 teams.
We are really close in numbers for our Novice and Peewee Divisions - so will be opening tryout registration to any Novice or Major Peewee players to tryout for AE.
GMHA Executive