At the beginning of the season the GMHA Executive board took a comprehensive look at the Rep tryout process and how it could be improved and implemented more efficiently.
After review by the Executive board the following the changes to the Rep tryout process will commence for the 2016/2017 season
· There will be three (3) tryouts per team AA and AE.
· All players must attend the AA tryout and be released by the coach from the AA team prior to attending the AE tryouts.
· All tryouts will be $20.00 cash per skate payable to the team. The cost of the ice time for the tryouts will be billed back to the teams and added onto the teams annual rep fees at the beginning of the season.
· The team (AA or AE) will be required to collect the money from the players that are trying out.
· All players wishing to tryout for a Rep team must be a registered member of the Georgina Minor Hockey Association from the previous season or provide a valid hockey passport from your home center and present it to the head coach prior to taking the ice in the first tryout.
· Any player who does not attend the first tryout must have prior written consent given to the player by the head coach of the respective team (AA or AE) and is responsible payment of any missed tryouts which is at the sole discretion of the head coach of the respective team (AA or AE)
There will be an upcoming meeting with all Rep head coaches in the very near future in order to explain this tryout process in detail and to explain any questions or concerns that you may have.