Organization | Apr 13, 2015 | Tammy Sedore | 7548 views
Rep tryouts start this Saturday
Rep tryouts start Saturday for Novice to Minor Midget.
All players must pre-register and pay in full for tryouts prior being able to be on the ice - registration closes on Thursday April 16th to allow us to prepare lists.
All players must participate in the AA tryouts and be released by the Coach prior to being able to tryout for AE (or request a passport to tryout in the closest A centre).
The tryout schedule is on our website - click on the 2015-2015 tryout tab. Tryout information can also be found under this tab, along with the link to regisration. This is the only form of registration for tryouts and payment is by credit card only. We will have no way to register you at the arena - so make sure you have registered and paid before you get there.
AE tryouts and Tyke MD will take place in EG in May - schedule is now posted. Midget tryouts will take place at the end of August/beginning of September.