Organization | Sep 19, 2018 | kmahussier | 2396 views
Information for 2011 to 2015 Born Players
Initiation Program (birth years 2011-2015) will begin on September 29th. For the first weekend, players will be
scheduled based on the year they were born.
For the first weekend only, players will have a 40 minute on ice session
both Saturday and Sunday. This will take
place at the Ice Palace Blue pad and will be the same time both days.
Birth Year(s)
7:00 to 7:40am
7:40 to 8:20am
8:30 to 9:10am
9:20 to 10:00am
Over the course of this weekend, players will be evaluated and parents will be informed what group their child will be placed in. The groups are Junior, Intermediate and Senior and will be scheduled both Saturday and Sunday for the season (with the exception of weekends where there is no ice). The times of 7am, 8am and 9am will rotate between groups each week so please watch the schedule on the website to know when you child’s group will be on the ice.
Players are expected to be dressed in full equipment (including mouth guards) and should wear their own jersey and socks for this first week. They will receive their jerseys and socks the following weekend.