Mon Apr 08, 2013, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: Sutton Arena Hall
Organization - ALL Minor Tyke & Novice aged players Banquet
Please arrive on time with players in their team jerseys for our end of season banquet for this age group. Each team will get pizza and drink to snack on while teams are presented their awards for Most Dedicated, Most Improved and Most Sportsmanlike. REP teams will also award a player for Most Assists; House League teams will award a player for MVP. Additional Special awards may also be presented to players/coaches in this age group. Coach of the Year (one for REP and one for HL) can be nominated by any GMHA member. The list of awards may be nominated by a member of a team coaching staff. All forms can be found on the website
House League Awards
Most Sportsmanlike House League Player (Minor Tyke-Midget)
Most Dedicated Senior House League Player (Peewee-Midget)
Most Dedicated Minor Tyke (Minor Tyke- aged 6 player only)
Most Dedicated Junior House League Player (Minor Tyke-Atom)
Deryck Minielly Goaltender Award may be awarded to any goaltender REP or House League but preferably someone who has taken part in our Minielly Goaltender School through GMHA.
Coach of the Year (one for HL and one for REP) may be nominated by any GMHA member.
Volunteer of the Year may be nominated by any GMHA member (but award will be presented at AGM)
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