Feb 23, 2016 | pneedler | 624 views
ATOM Development this Friday!!!
Hi Team Silver. In case you did not know, there is an ATOM development Skate at the Ice Palace Blue Pad tis coming Friday, February 26, 2016 6pm-7pm.
I bring this up because the ATOM Development Skate is a great opportunity for our team to keep up their skills. It is open to all ATOM level GMHA players and it's free! Yes, free - just show up and hit the ice. The kids will be coached by GMHA coaches who have volunteered their time to run these open Development Skates.
Since we do not have any practices scheduled, it is a great way to keep in shape for our playoff games coming up. The kids will have fun, work hard, and compete.
Hope to see you at the Ice Palace on Friday!
Go Team Silver Go!
- Manager Paul