Oct 07, 2012 | Trevor Sedore | 926 views
Stoney Creek Tournament
The Stoney Creek tournament is in!!
Friday Oct 19th 3:45pm vs Hamilton Spitfires at Mohawk 4pad
Friday Oct 19th 8:00pm vs Uxbridge at Valleypark (this was updated)
Then based on where we finish we will play either Saturday at 10:00am (for 2nd/3rd place finishes) either at Saltfleet (for 3rd place) or Stoney Creek (for 2nd place). We could then play again at 2:15pm if we win one of those games. If(when) we finish 1st place we will play either Saturday OR Sunday.. depends who finishes 1st place #1, 2 or 3 overall... all very confusing so we will keep everyone updated after our 2nd game.